Options View

Of course, you will need to display your options in order to edit them. Let’s have a look at a complete sample of the options view. First, let’s assume we have the following routes defined in our config/menus.php file:

  'route' => [
    'get'  => 'Dashboard\DashboardController@optionsView',
    'post' => 'Dashboard\DashboardController@saveOptions'

In the DashboardController view controller we will create the optionView method so as to display the form:

public function optionView() {
  return WPKirk()->view( 'dashboard.optionsview' );

Now, we will create a file optionview.php in the resources/views/dashboard/ folder:

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="text"
         value="<?php echo $plugin->options->get( 'Special.Name' ) ?>" />

You can’t use the dot (.) in the name of the field because it will be replaced by an underscore (_) character. Instead, use a slash to separate the options branch.

Next, in the updating method, we will use:

public function saveOptions()
          ->set( 'Special.Name', $this->request->get( 'Special.Name' ) );
  return WPKirk()->view( 'dashboard.optionsview' );

That’s all.


You may use the dot notation as well as slash notation when getting a post value by the request property. For example, you may use $this->request->get('Special.Name') or $this->request->get('Special/Name').

Massive update

Instead of specifying each single option, you may use $this->request->getAsOptions method in order to get all options post fields:

public function saveOptions()
          ->update( $this->request->getAsOptions() );
  return WPKirk()->view( 'dashboard.optionsview' );

The method $this->request->getAsOptions will only retrieve the POST keys formatted as Branch/subbranch.

Checkbox workaround

When you are using the massive update by update($this->request->getAsOptions()), remember that any checkbox input fields cannot be sent if unchecked. However, you can use a workaround to send an unchecked value even when the checkboxes are unchecked. You can achieve this by adding a hidden input field with the same name as the input checkbox and setting the value to a negative or null value:

<form action="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" 
           value="false" />
  <input type="checkbox"
      <?php checked( 'true', $plugin->options->get( 'General.option_1' ) ) ?>

As you can see from the above code, the second “real” input checkbox will overwrite the first one when it is checked.

Alternatively, instead of using the HTML markup, you may use the Html class to create a checkbox input control:

echo WPKirk\Html::checkbox()->name( 'myname')->value( 'on');

Then you’ll get:

<input type="hidden" name="myname" value="off" />
<input type="checkbox" name="myname" value="on" />

Currently, you’ll get an “off” as an unchecked value. You can also use:

echo WPKirk\Html::checkbox()
  ->name( 'myname')
  ->checked( $plugin->options->get( 'options.value' ) )
  ->value( 'on');

If options.value is empty, false, null or off then the checkbox will be unchecked.


If you prefer to display a message after updating, you may use the with fluent method:

public function saveOptions()
          ->set( 'Special.Name', $this->request->get( 'Special.Name' ) );
  return WPKirk()->view( 'dashboard.optionsview' )
          ->with( 'feedback', 'Options Updated!' );

And get it in the view:

<?php if ( isset( $feedback ) ) : ?>
  <h3><?php echo $feedback ?></h3>
<?php endif; ?>
<form action="" method="post">
  <label>Special / Name</label>
  <input type="text"
         value="<?php echo $plugin->options->get( 'Special.Name' ) ?>" />

CSRF Security and nonce

You wish to use the WordPress nonce function to prevent CSRF attacks. You can do this by adding the wp_nonce_field WordPress function in your HTML form:

<?php if ( isset( $feedback ) ) : ?>
  <h3><?php echo $feedback ?></h3>
<?php endif; ?>
<form action="" method="post">
  <?php wp_nonce_field( 'Options' ); ?>
  <label>Special / Name</label>
  <input type="text"
         value="<?php echo $plugin->options->get( 'Special.Name' ) ?>" />

Next, in the saveOptions you may use the wp_verify_nonce WordPress function or the more useful $this->request->verifyNonce WP Bones method:

public function saveOptions()
  if ( $this->request->verifyNonce( 'Options' ) ) {
            ->set( 'Special.Name', $this->request->get( 'Special.Name' ) );
    return WPKirk()->view( 'dashboard.optionsview' )
            ->with( 'feedback', 'Options Updated!' );
  else {
    return WPKirk()->view( 'dashboard.optionsview' )
            ->with( 'feedback', 'Action Not Allowed!' );