Custom Post Types

You can add your Custom Post Type (CPT) by editing the /config/plugin.php file. This file is very important because it returns several important pieces of information used when the plugin is started. Let’s see a typical structure of this file:

  | Custom Post Types
  | Here is where you can register the Custom Post Types.
  'custom_post_types' => [ '\WPKirk\CustomPostTypes\MyCustomPostType' ],

Typical structure of a Custom Post Type Service Provider

Let’s see a typical class

namespace WPKirk\CustomPostTypes;
use WPKirk\WPBones\Foundation\WordPressCustomPostTypeServiceProvider;
class MyCustomPostType extends WordPressCustomPostTypeServiceProvider {
  protected $id     = 'wp_kirk_cpt';
  protected $name   = 'Captain';
  protected $plural = 'Captains';
   * You may override this method in order to register your own actions and filters.
  public function boot()
    // You may override this method
   * Override this method to save/update your custom data.
   * This method is called by hook action save_post_{post_type}`
   * @param int|string $post_id Post ID
   * @param object     $post    Optional. Post object
  public function update( $post_id, $post )
    // You can override this method to save your own data

PHP Bones Command

Using the php bones make:cpt Bones command, we can quickly create a Custom Post Type Service Provider.

php bones make:cpt MyCustomPostType