>= v1.6.6

config/plugin.php - New in v1.6.6
if (!defined("ABSPATH")) {
return [
  | Logging Configuration
  | Here you may configure the log settings for your plugin.
  "logging" => [
     * Type of log.
     * Available Settings: "single", "daily", "errorlog".
     * - "errorlog", the log will be saved in the default WordPress log file.
     * Usually, this is located in the wp-content/debug.log file.
     * - "single", the log will be saved in a single file in the log_path directory.
     * Default: [plugin-path]/storage/logs/debug.log
     * - "daily", the log will be saved in a daily file in the log_path directory.
     * Default: [plugin-path]/storage/logs/[Y-m-d].log
     * Example: [plugin-path]/storage/logs/2024-10-09.log
    "type" => "errorlog",
     * The path where the log will be saved.
     * Default: [plugin-path]/storage/logs/
    //"path" => '',
     * Daily format.
     * Default: 'Y-m-d'
    "daily_format" => 'Y-m-d',
     * The timestamp format used in the log.
     * Default: 'd-M-Y H:i:s T'
     * Example: [09-Oct-2024 12:51:22 UTC] [debug]: This is a debug message
    "timestamp_format" => 'd-M-Y H:i:s T',

<= v1.6.5

config/plugin.php - DEPRECATED in v1.6.6
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
return [
  | Logging Configuration
  | Here you may configure the log settings for your plugin.
  | Available Settings: "single", "daily", "errorlog".
  | Set to false or 'none' to stop logging.
  'log' => 'errorlog',
  'log_level' => 'debug',