DocumentationServices ProviderCustom Taxonomy Type

Custom Taxonomy Types

This document explains how to create and manage Custom Taxonomy Types in WP Bones. It provides steps to create a Custom Taxonomy Type Service Provider using the php bones make:ctt MyCustomTaxonomy command and how to manually create one. The new provider will be created in the plugins/CustomTaxonomyTypes directory. The document also covers loading the Custom Taxonomy Type Service Provider by adding it to the list of providers in the config/plugin.php file.


WordPress provides a powerful way to create your own taxonomy types. WP Bones provides a simple way to add your own Custom Taxonomy Types.

Create a Custom Taxonomy Type Service Provider

You may create your own Custom Taxonomy Type Service Provider by following the steps below:

php bones make:ctt MyCustomTaxonomy

By default, the new provider will be created in the plugins/CustomTaxonomyTypes directory. Of course, you may create your Service Provider manually and in any directory you prefer. You have to change the namespace accordingly.

namespace WPKirk\CustomTaxonomyTypes;
use WPKirk\WPBones\Foundation\WordPressCustomTaxonomyTypeServiceProvider;
class MyCustomTaxonomy extends WordPressCustomTaxonomyTypeServiceProvider {
  protected $id     = 'wp_kirk_tax';
  protected $name   = 'Ship';
  protected $plural = 'Ships';
  protected $objectType = 'wp_kirk_cpt';

Load the Custom Taxonomy Type Service Provider

Add this new Service Provider to the list of providers in the /config/plugin.php file:

  | Custom Taxonomy Types
  | Here is where you can register the Custom Taxonomy Types.
  'custom_taxonomy_types' => [ '\WPKirk\CustomTaxonomyTypes\MyCustomTaxonomy' ],